Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Guessing Game

Image result for Donald trump 2015

I've stopped doing regular Guessing Game posts but it's early Wednesday morning and I'm pondering who might get the People cover this week. Possibilities:

Jeb, Hill and/or The Donald: There was big news in primary politics this week. Jeb Bush made his candidacy official, Hillary did her first big event in New York City and Donald Trump did what many people, including me, thought he would never actually do. He officially declared that's he's running for president. At 62, 67 and 69 years old, respectively, all three of these potential presidents are outside of People's primary demographic, but still, they were all over the news in the last few days.

Their Spouses: A fun twist would be to do a story about potential first spouses Columba Bush, Bill Clinton and Melania Trump. Mrs. Trump, in particular, would probably drive some magazine sales at the grocery store check-out counter. I haven't fully researched the subject but I feel pretty safe in saying that she's the first politician's wife to attend her husband's presidential announcement in a strapless dress. She's a former model from Slovenia who's 24 years younger than the Donald. That's a bigger gap than wife #2 Marla Maples, who was only 17 years younger than Trump; on the other hand, Melania's managed to stay married to him for 10 years now, while Marla got the boot after six. That's Mrs. Trump on the far right in the top picture; that's The Donald's Hair in the second picture.  

Image result for trooping the colour 2015

Royalty: There are cute new pictures of Prince George from the Trooping The Colour ceremony this week-end, along with a historically significant picture of the Queen with all three of her direct heirs. (Do the math: if Prince George, who turns 2 next month, lives as long as his great-granny, he'll still be the King of England in the year 2102.) Michelle, Malia and Sasha Obama, along with their granny Marion Robinson, had tea with Prince Harry yesterday. And in Sweden, hot Prince Carl Philip married a former reality TV star who is now called Princess Sofia. Two days later the prince's older sister, who is married to an American, gave birth to a son.

Rachel Dolezal: A very strange story with many layers. As I write this, the biggest headline at is "Rachel Dolezal Reveals Her Hair Secrets (Spoiler: It's A Weave)" and they've had other stories about her as well. If those stories have gotten enough clicks, we'll see her on the cover, regardless of whether or not People has actually interviewed her.

Joyce Mitchell: The woman who helped two very nasty killers escape from a prison in New York.

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