Monday, June 1, 2015

The Field Is Still Growing

Wednesday morning update: Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal has "announced to announce," with a date of June 24. I've updated the list below. Days until Election Day: 523

Original Post:
Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina made it official today, joining the race for the GOP nomination and bringing the number of declared candidates to nine. I've moved him to the Declared list and with that, deleted the Late Adds list. The title of that list came from my post on December 22 about Pataki, Fiorina and Graham; at the time they all seemed like the longest of long shots, but for better or worse, all three are in it now.

Donald Trump will be announcing something or other on June 16 but I still refuse to add him to my Possible list.

There was also some news on the other side, with former Maryland governor Martin O'Malley announcing that he is running for the Democratic nomination. A former senator and governor of Rhode Island, a man named Lincoln Chafee, who I had literally never heard of until last week, will be announcing his candidacy on June 3. With Vermont senator Bernard Sanders also a declared Democratic candidate, I've decided that it's time for the Ds to have their own list.

Declared Democratic Candidates

  1. Hillary Clinton (April 12)
  2. Bernie Sanders (May 26) 
  3. Martin O'Malley (May 30) 
  4. Lincoln Chafee (Announcement June 3) 

Jim Webb announced that he had formed an exploratory committee last November but after that he all but disappeared and I haven't heard any rumblings about a possible official announcement.

Declared GOP Candidates
  1. Ted Cruz (March 23) 
  2. Rand Paul (April 7)
  3. Marco Rubio (April 14)
  4. Dr. Ben Carson (May 3) 
  5. Carly Fiorina (May 4) 
  6. Mike Huckabee (May 5) 
  7. Rick Santorum (May 27)
  8. George Pataki (May 28
  9. Lindsey Graham (June 1) 
Possible Republican Candidates
Jeb Bush
Chris Christie
Bobby Jindall (Announcement June 24) 
John Kasich
Rick Perry (Announcement June 4)
Scott Walker

Officially Not Running
Rob Portman (Dec 2)
Paul Ryan (Jan 12)
Mitt Romney (Jan 30)
Rick Snyder (May 7)
John Bolton (May 14) 
Mike Pence (May 20) 

Days until Election Day: 525

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