Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Because I Have To

Wednesday afternoon update: Chris Cillizza at The Fix shares some thoughts in a post titled "Why no one should take Donald Trump very seriously, in one very simple chart." Here's the chart:

And here's what Cillizza has to say:

... Trump is both extremely well known and extremely disliked by the members of the party he is running to represent.

You cannot and do not win anything when your numbers look like Trump's. I can't say it any more clearly than that. There's nothing you can say or do -- not that Trump would ever even consider going on an image rehabilitation tour -- to change how people feel about you. Republicans know Trump. And they really, really don't like him.

Trump, of course, knows this. His goal is attention, not winning. And in truth, even that would be fine if Trump had an issue (or issues) that he cared about and wanted to draw attention to via his presidential bid. He doesn't. He just says stuff. Lots and lots of stuff. And it's not clear that he's spent more than the five seconds before he speaks thinking about what he's going to say.

Read the article here

Original Post:

This is The Donald's grand entrance to his announcement event yesterday, accompanied by his wife.

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