Thursday, June 25, 2015

Batter Up!

Politico is reporting that Chris Christie will officially join the presidential race on Tuesday, June 30. I've updated my list below, you can read the story here.  

Declared GOP Candidates
  1. Ted Cruz (March 23) 
  2. Rand Paul (April 7)
  3. Marco Rubio (April 14)
  4. Dr. Ben Carson (May 3) 
  5. Carly Fiorina (May 4) 
  6. Mike Huckabee (May 5) 
  7. Rick Santorum (May 27)
  8. George Pataki (May 28)
  9. Lindsey Graham (June 1) 
  10. Rick Perry (June 4) 
  11. Jeb Bush (June 15)
  12. Donald Trump (June 16) 
  13. Bobby Jindal (June 24) 
Possible Republican Candidates
Chris Christie (Announcement June 30)
John Kasich
Scott Walker

Officially Not Running
Rob Portman (Dec 2)
Paul Ryan (Jan 12)
Mitt Romney (Jan 30)
Rick Snyder (May 7)
John Bolton (May 14) 
Mike Pence (May 20) 

Days until Election Day: 501

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