Tuesday, October 9, 2018

On To Bigger Things? - Updated

Is it just that she's resigning, which has been announced (or at least, leaked,) or is there something else afoot? For what it's worth, Axios has a quote saying she's not running for president in 2020. (Read it here.)

Update: Why did Nikki Haley resign? So far, no one knows for sure, but as the saying goes, there's got to be a reason.

From Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo:

The most repeated explanations of Nikki Haley's departure today are that she wanted to make money in the private sector or she wanted a "breather." I just wanted to reiterate that this makes absolutely no sense. People do sometimes leave high profile positions for those reasons. But not without warning and not four weeks before an election. President Trump claims she gave him a heads up six months. But he's a notorious liar. Various reports claim that neither John Bolton nor Secretary of State Pompeo knew anything about it. Apparently nobody did.

I'm not saying there's some big scandal lurking here. But these explanations do not hold up. There's certainly some as yet unknown driver of this decision.  (Nothing to link to, this is the whole post.)

From the Washington Post:

"Resignations in national politics are highly calculated maneuvers -- it's not just like, 'Uh, I think I'll have chili for lunch,' [Republican strategist/Trump critic Mike] Murphy said. "This was so abrupt and the timing so politically weird that it sure reads like it's preempting something... If it's the political masterstroke, where's the landing pad? Where's the ooh and ahh?" (Read the story here.)

From Bill Kristol via Twitter:

And Mike Murphy again, also via Twitter:

Stay tuned...

Wednesday morning, update #2: Who will replace Haley at the U.N.? Not Ivanka:

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