Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Kanye And Jay Z, Beyoncé And Kim

Before last week, if I had seen a headline saying "Rap star attacked by sister-in-law," I would have assumed one of the Kardashian girls had gone off on Kanye West. (Yes, they're not quite in-laws yet but you get my point.) Because of a leaked surveillance video tape, pretty much the whole world knows that it was Beyoncé's sister who attacked Jay Z, and it was fascinating to watch the so-called "scandal" play out last week. Things seem to have settled down in Bey and Jay-land this week, however, just in time for the third-time's-the-charm wedding of Kim K and Kanye.

When Kim married Kris Humphries in 2011 I gave the marriage two years, which turned out to be just a tad optimistic. They lasted 72 days. A few weeks after the Kimye baby (a.k.a. Miss North West) was born last summer, I gave Kim and Kanye two years, which would take them until August, 2015. We're now about halfway through my 24-month estimation and with the big wretched excess/over-the-top/just plain tacky wedding apparently set for this week-end all appears to be well in the land of Kimye. Maybe they will still be living happily ever after a year from now, or even five years from now. To me the whole thing looks like a narcissistic, self-reverential made-in-PR-heaven fantasy that can't possibly survive the day-to-day reality of marriage, but hey, I could be wrong. (Can you imagine them sitting down to eat breakfast together? What do you suppose they talk about, beside their own fabulousness?) Even though I find the whole Kardashian "thing" to be monumentally annoying, I admit I'll be keeping an eye on Kimye and I know I can count on the tabloids to keep me informed.

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