Saturday, August 17, 2013

Katie And The Kardashians

I would guess that Katie Couric feels the same way about the K's as I do: Why are they famous? What is it that they do, exactly? Why do they get so much attention? In fact, I don't have to guess, because Katie said the following in an interview with, wait for it, In Touch magazine: "I don't understand - why are they famous? I think it's mostly teenage girls that are interested." So I had a few seconds of being surprised when I learned that Katie had sent Kim a gift when Miss North West was born. Then I remembered that regardless of Katie's personal feelings, having Kim on her talk show would be a huge "get" for Katie, which is why she was sucking up to Kim by sending the gift. It's just business.

The plot thickened when Kim saw the In Touch interview and fired back on Instagram with a snotty message for Katie: #IHateFakeMediaFriends, and #MayIHumblySuggestYouNotSendGiftsThenTalkShit. I had a few seconds of actually feeling some sympathy for poor Kim, being used/sucked up to by Katie just to get Kim on the show and boost Katie's ratings, but then I remembered, whatever else you think about her, Kim Kardashian really isn't stupid, especially when it comes to brand-building via media. She knows that Katie Couric isn't her best friend. She knows why Katie would send her a baby gift, and I'm pretty sure Katie isn't the only media heavyweight who is trying to get Kim on their show by reaching out/sucking up. It's all just business and Kim knows that better than anyone. She wouldn't be rich and famous otherwise.

Saturday afternoon update: Katie Couric has issued a "sort of, but not really" apology: "I've met Kim before and I think she's a really sweet person. I was responding to a reporter's question, and explaining how I'm intrigued by the public's fascination with her family. I didn’t mean to hurt her feelings. The gift is genuine, and I'm happy for Kim and Kanye."

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