Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Thinking About Pigs...

Just to clarify, when I posted my WTF headline on Friday, about the pigs who escaped from the bacon factory because of a truck accident, the whole swine flu thing hadn't yet become a big deal. The story just struck me as comically ironic.

And have you noticed that here in the U.S. the pandemic-to-be is no longer officially called swine flu or anything to do with pigs? Apparently pig farmers were getting concerned, so the CDC is now calling the new disease by its official scientific name of H1N1. This politically correct language is probably too late to have any real impact in the popular perception - it started as swine flu and swine flu it will continue to be. Still, I think we should all go out and get ourselves a great big bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich, as a gesture of support for pig farmers everywhere. After all, this really isn't the pigs' fault.

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