Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Still Twittering

Or should I say "tweeting"? Regardless, it's a fun way to keep up with what's going on in the world, or at least what's on the minds of people who tweet. And I've decided you can get a pretty good idea of what someone is interested in by looking at the accounts they're following. Anyone looking at my home page will see that I follow sites/tweeters on the subject of travel, food/cooking, current events, politics, a couple of entertainers and tout les choses français, along with a few personal friends. At present I'm not following Oprah or Ashton, I am following Maria Shriver, although she hasn't tweeted since I joined, and I was following a couple of CNN accounts until it got to be too much and I deleted them.

It's still a relatively new way to communicate, and I may get tired of it at some point, but for now I say, Tweet On!!!

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