Sunday, May 12, 2019

What If...

The subject came up twice during Eugene Robinson's Live Chat on Tuesday:

Q: Two extra years for a Trump do-over, because of the Russia investigation
So NOW do you believe that Trump won't leave the White House voluntarily? And that the military would be sufficiently loyal to him not to remove him physically?

A: Eugene Robinson
No. I agree with my colleague Karen Tumulty that President Trump is trolling us. And I will always maintain that whatever damage Trump is doing to our institutions, it's not enough for him to get to stay in the White House one extra day beyond his allotted term, which voters must bring to its much-needed end.

Q: Not Accepting Election Results
I worry about a lot of things but not too much about Trump not accepting election results if he loses. My assumption is that if a Democrat wins they proceed with normal transition activities, with or without Trump's participation. On Jan. 20 the new president takes the oath. Once that's done, Trump can't exercise presidential power because he doesn't have any. If he refuses to leave the White House, he's just a delusional old man, who will be removed by security like any other intruder. (Please let there be cell phone footage of that.) What am I missing? How much trouble can he really make?

A: Eugene Robinson
I'm totally with you. And yes, I hope they have to remove him bodily.

You can read the entire chat here

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