Friday, May 10, 2019

Mind-Boggling Incompetence

Talking Points Memo weighed in too, calling yesterday a "Typo-Filled Thursday":

On Thursday alone, three different communiques from the White House — including one from Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders herself — included embarrassing mistakes.

The most widely ridiculed of these was “Red Socks” for the Boston team, some of who came to visit the White House on Thursday.

The communications staff clearly is bereft of sports enthusiasts, as soon after the Sox slip-up, a press release was sent out including President Donald Trump’s remarks to the winner of some contest called the “World Cup Series,” which we at TPM assume must be some sort of soccer-baseball hybrid.

Sanders was wise enough to steer clear of athletics, but stumbled nonetheless, touting acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan’s esteemed alma mater: “The Massachusetts Institution of Technology.”
(Read it here.)

In the interest of strict accuracy and fairness, I'll point out that Stokols' tweet has a typo too: "Instutution." In the Sarah Sanders tweet he links to, Institution is spelled correctly but it's still wrong. Shanahan's alma mater is the Massachusetts "Institute" of Technology.

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