Wednesday, November 14, 2018

When AJ Met Jason... Episode 11 - Updated

AJ pulled out the big guns today with this tweet and yes, of course, she's referring to Jason Miller...
...and I admit I'm intrigued. After watching this saga play out for almost two years, I have no admiration for Mr. Miller and I'm curious to hear what he might have said to her. Some not-so-nice things about Donald Trump, contrary to his public posturing as a passionate supporter? Probably. On the other hand, AJ, be careful about bluffing. Omarosa may have a few bombshells left to share but what we've heard so far turned out to be... no big deal.

The tweet came at the end of a long tweetstorm that lays out how ugly things got in court yesterday. As I've said before, I'm mostly sympathetic to AJ, she's clearly at a huge financial disadvantage, and having an opponent who's associated, even if unofficially, with the president is almost certainly a psychic disadvantage. As I've also said before, putting this all on Twitter for the whole world to read is problematic. She claims she's taking the high road, she's not defaming anyone, she's the victim of animus from Jason, his wife and his wife's mother, etc. But that's not always true.

At various times she's called Jason soulless scum, rat boy, Predator, a sick, sick person, one of the ugliest men alive, an ad sales nobody/swamp dweller and a grossly overweight, hideously unattractive man with severe bad breath and the morality of Nero. (I can't resist pointing out that she saw Jason differently two years ago. She dated him for two months, during which time they had sex more than 25 times. We know this because she posted part of a deposition transcript on Twitter for the whole world to see.) She frequently refers to Miller's wife as Cuckoo and called the wife's mother a stupid, malicious old woman. She said yesterday that Jason is shorter and fatter than when she last saw him. Seriously. It's all in her tweets. And although she denies it, my bet is that she was, at least indirectly, responsible for getting the "Jason secretly gave abortion pills to a stripper" story to (Read it here.)

Still, I also believe this: Jason Miller is not a nice man. He misrepresented his availability when he and AJ started dating and failed to tell her that his wife was pregnant. He was her boss, her immediate supervisor, which tells me he lacks judgment, he may be clever but he's not very smart and he is staggeringly unprofessional. He likes to hang out in strip clubs. (If any man ever said he was taking me to a strip club, I'd run as fast as I could in the other direction. Really.) There's also at least the possibility that the things alleged in the story could be true.

Jason is now spending a mind-bogglingly huge amount of money on this custody/child support case, and yes, I believe at least part of his motivation is retaliation. (In a Talking Points Memo article dated April 7, 2018, reporter Nicole LaFond says Miller had filed about 200 court pleadings at that point, which sounds... excessive. Read the article here.) He's also the source for the Page Six article on Memorial Day, making public a slightly similar, and yes, unflattering, incident from AJ's past. (Read it here.)

AJ was angry when she found out that Jason's wife was pregnant and that he wasn't actually getting a divorce. She was angry when he got a top White House job and she didn't. She was angry when he apparently tried to claim that she wasn't pregnant, and/or that the pregnancy resulted from a one night stand during their infamous visit to the strip club in Las Vegas. (Read about that here.) Jason was angry when AJ wouldn't keep the pregnancy secret, instead sending out tweets calling him the baby daddy and the 2016 version of John Edwards. Jason was angry when he had to decline the White House job as a result of the affair. Jason's wife was angry when he told her he'd had an affair and was about to have a baby with AJ; I believe it was at least partly to placate his wife that Jason tried to make the whole thing look like a one night stand. Jason leaked an unpleasant story about AJ to Page Six. AJ leaked an unpleasant story about Jason to Everyone's mad at everyone and they're all trying to destroy each other. From the outside looking in, it looks like it's working.

Wouldn't it be nice if Jason would agree that as the mother, AJ should have full custody of their son, with generous time-sharing rights for him. (She lives in Miami, he lives in Virginia, which is why shared physical custody isn't a practical option.) Wouldn't it be nice if AJ would agree to accept reasonable child support payments and reasonable time-sharing, acknowledging the fact that William does have a stepmother and half-sisters and that he will be spending time with them. That's not happening and no matter how psychically satisfying it is for each of them to beat up on the others, ultimately their son will pay the price and that's heartbreaking.

Anyway, here's the rest of this morning's tweetstorm:
Update on Monday, November 19. One of the things that comes through consistently in AJ's tweets is that she is extremely bitter and resentful about the fact that her career disappeared when her pregnancy and the whole AJ & Jason scandal became public:

Would things have happened differently if she wasn't Hispanic? Who knows? And apparently it's not just a White House job she lost out on. She claims she was being looked at by Fox Business for her own show, but when the scandal became public, that went away too:  

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