Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Election Day - Updated

I'm heading out to vote and before I go, here's a cute story from rural Illinois, sent in to Talking Points Memo:

Here is a lighter note during a tense day. After 24 years in Fort Myers, FL with its long voting lines, my wife and I moved back to our family roots in rural Illinois. Make that VERY rural. We live on our family farm in a half township (18 sq miles of cornfields and one village of 200).

There were 137 registered voters in our precinct in 2014 and there were 76 votes cast. There are now 141 voters so my wife and I represent half of the new registrations. Yea!

This morning we spent 15 minutes at the polls. Both booths were occupied and another person came in behind us. That is 5 voters in 20 minutes. Polls are open 13 hours here. The sky is the limit for turnout … well actually 141, but you get my point.

I'm in the Northwest suburbs of Chicago and I don't expect any problems voting. Even so it's going to be a long day, and possibly a long night.

Update: To the nice little church where my precinct is held, election day probably isn't the best time to close/repave your parking lot. Cars parked on both sides of the narrow residential street, elderly voters having to walk a block or more in the rain... Maybe next time wait until after the election? Thanks, from a grateful voter.

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