Friday, November 30, 2018

Just A Few Random Tweets - Updated

For now, at least, I'll end with this, from a couple of weeks ago. As far as I can tell, the Vice President is keeping his head down and doing his best to appear loyal in public, but when he's alone with his thoughts at the Naval Observatory... You know he's just slobbering at the possibility that Donald won't make it to January 20, 2021:

Friday afternoon update. I can't resist posting this one:
2nd update, on Saturday afternoon. In his column yesterday, Jonathan Bernstein ponders Donald's weaknesses after the midterm elections and finishes with this:

But it would surprise me if there aren’t quite a few congressional Republicans, and a fair number of party actors, who daydream about having a nice, reliable, normal president again. Perhaps some of them once believed that Mueller’s probe, which has now netted so many guilty pleas and indictments, was a witch hunt. Perhaps they believed Trump’s lawyers that Mueller would surely be wrapping things up by Thanksgiving, or New Year’s at the latest. (Oops — that was Thanksgiving 2017.)

Now, though, they surely understand that the Trump-Russia story and other scandals aren’t going away any time soon. Even in the best-case scenario, they will continue producing stories that Republicans don’t want in the headlines. And at the very worst … well, surely some Republicans are also having nightmares about just how bad the very worst could be.

I’m not predicting anything. Just noting some obvious facts. The incentives for supporting Trump that have held since his election have suddenly become a lot weaker. In mid-July of 1974, President Richard Nixon could still count on virtually every conservative Republican in Congress to oppose his impeachment and removal, even if they weren’t exactly thrilled with him. By early August, he had only a handful of supporters remaining. That’s not to say that Trump’s support will necessarily evaporate — just that if it does, it could happen extremely quickly, perhaps in days. And nice, reliable, normal Mike Pence will be sitting right there.

Like I said. Slobbering. (Is Mike Pence really nice, reliable and normal? That's a blog post for another day.)

Read Bernstein's column here.

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