Tuesday, November 13, 2018

When AJ Met Jason... Episode 10

AJ's been tweeting about Jason again.

Not sure why she felt the need to share this, except that it's very important to her that people not think her son was conceived in Las Vegas...

... or that it was a one night stand:

Why, exactly, did she get (and stay) involved with this unpleasant man?

AJ complains a lot about harassment from Miller's wife and the wife's mother, but she just can't stop herself from taunting Mrs. Miller: 

In August, 2017 AJ told journalist McKay Coppins that Will came out of a "nice, sweet relationship between two people who met on the campaign trail and liked each other a lot." (Read the article here.) Clearly now she's seeing things differently. On October 16, someone asked her how she got involved with this guy and she responded that "the upcoming Las Vegas police report" would provide the answer. (See that post here.) So far she hasn't said anything more about that but now she's talking about suing him for sexual harassment:

She's a lawyer with a degree from Harvard. She would appear to have some marketable skills and experience, I admit I've wondered why she's not working. 

No wise words from me about all this, other than what I always say, this is a very sad story and it can't possibly end well. Click here to read my previous posts about AJ and Jason.

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