Sunday, September 2, 2018

The Contrast, Part 2

Ivanka and Jared were in the National Cathedral yesterday, apparently because of an intervention by Lindsey Graham, and as I've said before (here and here,) I wonder what Trump family members were thinking during a funeral. Were they pondering what it will be like at Donald's funeral, whenever that day comes?

A good chunk of the most important people in government, past and present, were at the Cathedral yesterday to honor John McCain and his service to our country. (Donald was golfing, see above.) Will a similar congregation show up for Donald's funeral? (I doubt it.) Would anyone of stature be willing to speak over Donald's casket? (Don't make me laugh.) Whoever happens to be president at the time would probably submit to hemorrhoid surgery to get out of giving that eulogy. The former presidents will probably hightail it out of the country the moment it becomes evident that Donald's funeral is imminent, and not return until he is safely in the ground.

What about Donald's children? Could Don Jr. or Eric deliver a speech as moving and heartfelt as Meghan McCain's? Could Ivanka or Tiffany? (Short answer: No.) As I've said here before, no one at Donald's funeral will be able to stand up and tell stories about times when he was heroic, inspirational or courageous, because there aren't any. Anyone who even implies that Donald was any of those things at any time in his life will be laughed out of the funeral parlor. The whole thing will be superficial, perfunctory and, frankly, pathetic.

Yesterday a grateful nation said thank you and good-bye to John McCain. When it's time to send Donald Trump to his final rest, a relieved nation will almost certainly be saying good riddance.

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