Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Donald Isn't Having Fun - Updated

Getty Images photographer John Moore captures an unsettling picture of Donald at the United Nations. My first thought when I saw it was one I've had before, i.e., why does the president always look so weird? So awkward? So uncomfortable? I've also said before that he frequently looks old and tired, which he does here as well. Regarding this specific moment, apparently this picture was taken after Donald got laughed at by the General Assembly. Are his feelings hurt? Maybe he's thinking about his other problems, including his disgusting and unfit Supreme Court nominee, what to do about the Deputy Attorney General, not to mention the actual Attorney General, and of course, the Robert Mueller investigation.

Once again it looks like being president isn't as much fun as Donald thought it would be.

Wednesday morning update: The Washington Post website is using Moore's picture with the following caption: [The president] "prepares to address the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly on September 25, 2018 in New York City." Apparently Donald was feeling sad before the delegates laughed at him. The article accompanying the picture says this, referring to the laughter:

For Trump, the moment wasn't just embarrassing. It also punctured one of the core fabulist assertions of a president who has, according to Washington Post fact-checkers, made more than 5,000 false or misleading statements since taking office. (Read the article here.)

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