Wednesday, May 2, 2018

This Day In History, 2011: We Got Osama bin Laden

Note that it happened shortly after midnight on Monday, May 2, local time in Pakistan. It was Sunday, May 1 here in the States and the previous evening was the 2011 White House Correspondents Dinner. If you've forgotten, that was the night President Obama humiliated Donald Trump:

"These are the kinds of decisions that would keep me up at night." Everyone laughed, but what they didn't know was that earlier that very day, Obama had given the order to get bin Laden. The president's slicing and dicing of Trump was hilarious at the time, the perfect putdown of a not-too-bright reality TV star who thought he was a lot more important than he really was.

And yet... Here we are, and although Trump had toyed with the idea of running for president before, I've come to believe that it was his humiliation at the hands of the president he hated that set him on the path to actually running in 2016. Consider this tweet, and in particular, look at the date:

Nine days after the WHCD. In my post about AJ Delgado I wrote about unintended consequences. I think there are some here too.

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