Monday, May 14, 2018

He Doesn't Live With His Wife??

There's a new article at New York magazine, titled Donald Trump and Sean Hannity Like to Talk Before Bedtime. (I know, yuck.) For me the most interesting part, that isn't getting as much attention as I would have expected, is this:

The talks may be more important for Trump than for Hannity in a therapeutic sense, even if it’s nearly impossible to accept what we’re seeing from the president reflects any kind of therapy. “He doesn’t live with his wife,” one person who knows both men said of Trump, explaining that he lacks someone “to decompress” with at the end of the day. (Read the article here.

There have been rumors that Melania doesn't even live at the White House, that she spends most of her time with her parents and her son at a house in the suburbs close to Barron's school. Her spokeswoman denied it but still. So far I haven't seen any pushback on this story, although it's still early on Monday. Stay tuned.  

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