Monday, August 14, 2017

The Guessing Game

Update #1:
Ginger Zee: Expecting baby #2, a boy.

Original post:
What will be on the cover of People this week? My guesses:

Charlottesville: Three people killed, many injuries, silence from the president. A sad day for America
Peter Cvjetanovic: The obnoxious little white supremacist who's embarrassed that a picture of his frothing hate-filled face has now gone viral (see it here)
Brad and Angelina: Rumors the divorce is off, are they reconciling?
Tom Cruise: Injured while performing a stunt on-set
Jason Miller and/or AJ Delgado: Former Trump campaign staffers had an affair last Fall, the baby was born in July, the story bubbled to the surface last week. (I wrote about it here)
Taylor Swift: She accused a DJ of groping her, he sued her for getting him fired, closing arguments start today
Scott Peterson: Tapes of a phone call from prison
LuAnn de Lesseps: A divorce after seven months
Shonda Rhimes: Moving her business to Netflix
Juan Pablo Galavis: The least-popular Bachelor got married
The Solar Eclipse: Excitement is building, hundreds of thousands of people are taking to the road to be in the path of totality

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