Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Rachel And Bryan

Finally, I found a cut-and-pasteable image of the finished version of the "Rachel and Bryan" cover, dated August 21, 2017:
Image result for people magazine cover bachelorette rachel

And one more thing: Just a reminder that if Rachel was telling Bryan that she's in love with him and he knows he's going to win in the end, the long, agonizing conversation with Peter was just playacting for television. Rachel going through the motions until it was time for Bryan to propose; Peter trying to thread the needle of not having to actually propose while still coming across as appealing enough to get the job as the next Bachelor.

Thursday morning update: Bryan's Instagram feed has a "what you didn't see on TV" picture this morning, featuring a "Dr. Abs and Big Rach" jersey he gave Rachel during their first date in Spain (which I believe was the fantasy suite date.) He also spills the beans on another behind-the-scenes secret. Apparently Rachel ended the suspense early and let him know he would be the last man standing. Are show producers rolling their eyes this morning, preferring Bryan had been a little less honest about how things really work? My guess? Yes.  

Original post:
Issue dated August 21, 2017: Rachel and Bryan

Rachel and her fiance Bryan are the main cover story this week, no surprise, along with a sidebar headline about runner-up Peter. Interestingly, Peter's headline isn't about him being the next Bachelor, it simply says "Why Peter is devastated now." Is Peter the next Bachelor? I still think it's his gig to lose if he wants it (and my perception is that he does,) in spite of the shade Rachel threw at him during their much, much too long conversation during the finale Monday night.

Note that this mock-up cover looks like it's "all Bachelorette" this week but there's also a final version of the cover at, which includes stories about the Chris Pratt/Anna Faris break-up, Maria Sharapova, and the heroin epidemic.

Note also that last summer's "JoJo and Jordan" cover that I've posted a couple of times recently was also just a mock-up. The final version included a DWTS wedding, Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani, and the Chandra Levi murder case.

Last year at this time: Issue dated August 22, 2016
Justice for JonBenét? A New Look at the Evidence and the Suspects

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