Tuesday, May 23, 2017

The Guessing Game

Wednesday morning update:
I'm struck by this picture. Ivanka (and Jared, who's there but not in the picture) aren't there as White House staffers, they're there as family members. Wonder how Don Jr. and Eric feel about that.

photo credit: L'Osservatore Romano/Pool photo via AP

And yes, I have to snark. Melania skipped the sunnies to meet the Pope, but in most of the pictures I've seen from this trip she's in full Jackie O mode. Wouldn't you love to know how she really feels about all this? I've said before that it can't be fun being married to that man, in fact I think it would be wretched soul-destroying indentured servitude. I'd probably cover up with sunglasses (and scowl a lot) too.

Original post:
What will be on the cover of People magazine this week? My (few) guesses:

Pippa's wedding: There's already been a massive amount of coverage online, but People does love a celebrity wedding, especially with all the cute pictures of the royals.
Dirty Dancing: The remake airs tomorrow night. My opinion is that some things shouldn't be messed with and the remake can't possibly stand up to the original. The original isn't Citizen Kane but it's a fave movie for lots and lots of people. Plus I read somewhere that compared to the original, which is an hour and 40 minutes long, the TV version is two hours and ten minutes, *before commercials.* They've obviously added a lot of story, which could possibly not be a good thing, not to mention how annoying all the commercial breaks will be.
TV Remakes (Will and Grace, Dynasty, Roseanne, etc.): Doesn't anyone have any original ideas anymore?
Taking The Show On The Road: Donald, Melania, Ivanka and Jared are representing our country in Saudi Arabia, Israel, Italy and a few other places. Will People break their streak of no Trumps on the cover? Or maybe they'll go with a story about Don Jr. and Eric, who can't be happy to see Ivanka, in particular, swanning around, flying on Air Force One and being treated like royalty, while they're banished to wherever it is that they're banished to.

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