Saturday, May 13, 2017

The Countdown Is On!

Monday afternoon update, from Chris Harrison's Instagram:
A post shared by Chris Harrison (@chrisbharrison) on

Original post:
The Bachelorette

I'd been wondering when ABC would post the names and pictures of Rachel's men and it looks like Wednesday's the day. As a matter of fact, I'm expecting a multi-layered marketing/promo effort from ABC all week long, leading up to the season premiere on May 22. Based on everything I've seen they've got a star on their hands with Rachel and it's in everyone's best interest for her season to succeed. I'm pretty sure Rachel, her bright red dress and all those roses are going to be everywhere for the next nine days.

By-the-way, if you want to see the men before ABC officially releases them, and possibly even the name of the man Rachel is now engaged to, check out Note that I'm still completely unspoiled -- I haven't been to his site and I even "unfollowed" him on Twitter. I don't know for sure that Rachel is engaged to anyone, but I read that the final rose ceremony was filmed last week and I'd be very surprised if this high-profile season didn't end with an engagement.

Anyway, based on past history, Steve usually has the goods at this point, so if you're curious, check it out.

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