Wednesday, May 17, 2017

It's The Obamas! (Again)

Issue dated May 29, 2017: Barack and Michelle Obama

I had the former president on my May 8 Guessing Game list, thinking a story might be tied to the Profile in Courage award or the new biography by David J. Garrow. There's nothing about that in the teaser story currently posted at, and don't be fooled by the headline language. The story quotes "two friends" and a "third source close to Obama" anonymously, and has an on-the-record quote from David Axelrod, but it's clear that the magazine didn't actually interview the Obamas themselves.

Still, it's a positive story and I can't help wondering how the current president will feel about this nice publicity for his predecessor. I continue to be intrigued by the fact that, other than a cover story the week after the election, with a picture of Donald standing alone, there have been exactly zero mentions of the Trumps on the cover of People since he was elected president. No Melania, no Ivanka, no "Eric's wife is pregnant," no tiny little sidebar stories about Barron or Tiffany. Nothing. And this is the second Obama cover since the election:

Anyway, Trump isn't having a good week, to put it mildly, and he's said to be dreading his first big international trip, which gets underway Friday. So many minefields, such a bright spotlight, so many opportunities to screw up and look stupid with the whole world watching. I don't know if Trump reads People or not, but the vision in my head is of an enraged president, flinging the magazine against a wall and saying words the Washington Post can't print.

And just because I can, I'll include a few pictures of the current first couple, looking a whole lot less affectionate than Barack and Michelle.

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