Saturday, August 4, 2012

Olympic Tidbits

"That our flag was still there..." Except it wasn't.  During Serena Williams' medal ceremony, the wind was blowing so hard that the U.S. flag was blown right off its pole. I'm trying to find a video link.

Speaking of Serena, I was watching her match this morning and I realized that I know almost nothing about tennis. I know two people volley a little yellow ball back and forth over a net, but after that I'm lost.  Seriously, I didn't have a clue about how the match was scored.  All of a sudden, "Gold Medal Point" was posted on the TV screen and I realized the whole match was almost over.  Still, based on her body language and facial expressions alone, Serena is one tough chick, and I mean that in a good way. At some point I may try to learn why tennis balls are always yellow.

Last night I happened to see a small segment on the trampoline competition, which was kind of a surprise because I didn't even know trampoline was an Olympic sport.  What struck me as funny, however, was the name of the competitor, an athlete from China.  What was his name, you ask?  Dong Dong.

I love reading stuff like this.  On the surface, winning a race like the men's 100 meters is just a matter of running faster.  In reality there's a lot of science and technology involved.  Imagine what could happen if Usain works on his starts.

Speaking of Usain, sort of, I saw an interview with Prince Harry and apparently he's the co-owner of a race horse named Usain Colt.  Perhaps Usain Colt should meet Rafalca...

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