Sunday, November 3, 2019

Tim Ryan and Beto O'Rourke Drop Out And The Election Is A Year From Today!

Two candidates dropped out of the Democratic race within the last few days, Beto O'Rourke and Tim Ryan. That leaves 17 candidates on my I'm Running list, nine of whom have qualified for the November 20 debate (Biden, Sanders, Warren, Harris, Buttigieg, Steyer, Yang, Booker and Klobuchar.)

The election is one year from today! A lot has to happen between now and November 3, 2020, including voters actually voting. The Iowa caucuses are three months from today, on February 3; by the time I get to vote in the Illinois primary, on St. Patrick's Day, 25 states, Puerto Rico and American Samoa will have voted and presumably the field will have narrowed significantly. Any guesses for who will still be in the race on March 17, 2020?

I've moved Ryan and Beto to the I'm Not Running Anymore list; this is how both lists look as of today:

I'm Not Running Anymore Declared candidates who have dropped out:

  1. Richard Ojeda (1/25/19)
  2. Eric Swalwell (7/8/19)
  3. John Hickenlooper (8/15/19)
  4. Jay Inslee  (8/21/19)
  5. Seth Moulton (8/23/19)
  6. Kirsten Gillibrand (8/28/19)
  7. Howard Schultz (9/6/19) * Ran as an Independent   
  8. Bill de Blasio (9/20/19)
  9. Tim Ryan (10/24/19)
  10. Beto O'Rourke (11/1/19)

I'm Running Declared Democratic candidates, in order of their announcement:
  1. John Delaney (7/28/17) 
  2. Andrew Yang (11/6/17) 
  3. Elizabeth Warren (12/31/18)
  4. Tulsi Gabbard (1/11/19)
  5. Julián Castro (1/12/19)
  6. Kamala Harris (1/21/19)
  7. Pete Buttigieg (1/23/19)
  8. Marianne Williamson (1/30/19)
  9. Cory Booker (2/1/19)
  10. Amy Klobuchar (2/10/19)
  11. Bernie Sanders (2/19/19)
  12. Joe Biden (4/25/19)
  13. Michael Bennet (5/2/19)
  14. Wayne Messam (Declared 3/28, added to this list on 5/2/19)
  15. Steve Bullock (5/14/19)
  16. Joe Sestak (6/22/19) 
  17. Tom Steyer (7/9/19)

Days until Election Day: 365

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