Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Just How Dumb Are These People, Anyway?

According to his Twitter profile, Brent Bozell is the "Founder and President of the Media Research Center. Publisher of Newsbusters and Chairman of @ForAmerica." (I'm happy to report that before today I had never heard of Mr. Bozell.) He's also an ardent supporter of the current president. When he realized that Gordon Sondland's testimony before the House Intelligence Committee was not going well for Donald, he decided to tweet out some support. Here's what he said:

"Listen to Sondland and you'll understand why America elected Donald Trump president to get rid of people like Sondland."

It only took a nanosecond for Twitter to erupt with reminders for Mr. Bozell that in fact, Donald himself had hired Mr. Sondland to be the U.S. Ambassador to the European Union, after Sondland's $1 million donation to Donald's inaugural committee. Realizing his mistake, Bozell deleted the tweet. As we always say around here, however, screenshots live forever:

This isn't even close to being the most important thing coming out of the Impeachment Hearing today. It just struck me as interesting. Back to Mr. Sondland for a moment, and forgive me for resorting to a cliché, but Donald is currently throwing him under the bus:

About those notes. Yes, this really is the president's hand holding the president's notes:

And wouldn't you love to know what Mr. Sondland is thinking:

More: Bozell's not the only one deleting tweets today:

And one more thing. Prior to today I had never heard of Bryan Gividen, either. He's a conservative, a "pro-religious liberty, pro-life, would snort Cocaine Mitch's judicial confirmations if I could, kind of conservative." In a fascinating tweet thread he explains why conservatives should support impeachment, and as you read the tweets, note that he's not just talking about impeachment by the House, but also about removal by the Senate: "We're talking about Mike Pence becoming President." Here's the thread:

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