Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Return Of "Nincompoop" - Updated

On February 15, 2017, I wrote a post titled "Word of the Day: Nincompoop." Here's what it said, and as you read, remember that this was written on the 27th day of Donald's presidency:

"Nincompoop: fool, simpleton." (From my trusty Merriam-Webster dictionary)

"Nincompoop" isn't a word you hear very often when discussing or reading about serious national issues. I would think it's used mostly by six-year-olds throwing shade on other six-year-olds. As best as I can recall I've only heard it used to describe an important or famous adult twice. Once was from Peggy Noonan, discussing Sarah Palin, which I (gleefully) wrote about here.

The second time was this morning, in an article titled "This Is What Incompetence Looks Like," at The Washington Post. Who was the author referring to? The current President of the United States:

While Trump’s top advisers go on television and describe him as a kind of living god with infallible judgment and superhuman accomplishments (“We have a president who has done more in three weeks than most presidents have done in an entire administration,” said [Stephen] Miller on Sunday), those a level or two below are rushing to the media to warn that their boss is a complete nincompoop. (Read the article here.) 

The article was posted Monday, prior to Micheal Flynn's "resignation," and events are only more chaotic as I'm writing on Wednesday morning. It looks like things are spiraling out of control at the Trump White House and there's no way yet to know how this all ends. I'll keep watching.

Nincompoop still isn't a word you hear very often, but it did pop up Friday in a Slate.com podcast titled "Devin Nunes Is a Nincompoop." I haven't listened to the actual podcast, I was just struck by the title, although based on what I read about Mr. Nunes I would probably agree that the title is correct. Mr. Nunes is a nincompoop. Furthermore, after almost three years of Donald's presidency, it's clear that he is one too. (Listen to the podcast here.)

And one more thing: There's been some question about Donald's health since his unscheduled hospital visit Saturday afternoon. The video below is from this afternoon, during his first public appearance since Saturday. Watch it and tell me. Does this man look normal to you:

Update on Thursday morning, with video from Donald's Texas visit last night:

The physician is the one in the sunglasses, walking down the stairs behind Ivanka. My understanding is that a physician is always close-at-hand when any president travels, but not quite as close and visible as this, and not in the presidential limousine. Is there something medically wrong with Donald, mentally or physically? Probably. He's obese, his diet is terrible, he doesn't exercise, I've read that he doesn't sleep much and he's got some kind of early heart disease. And now he's in the process of being impeached. Contrary to White House spin, Saturday's visit to Walter Reed was almost certainly not "routine." Watch carefully going forward. Not what the various Trump sycophants say, but what Donald says and does. I wouldn't be surprised if within the next few months Donald Trump is almost completely non-functional.

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