Wednesday, November 27, 2019

What Was He Thinking? - Updated

This is an actual tweet from the current President of the United States:

You tell me. Has he lost his mind? For the record, I think he has.

Twitter, naturally, lost its mind:

My guess is that White House staffers and possibly Trump family members are frantically trying to get Donald to delete this tweet. Stay tuned.

And one more thing. That's not really a picture of Donald's body (no kidding.) It's Sylvester Stallone:

President Trump tweeted a doctored photo Wednesday that showed his head superimposed on the body of the actor Sylvester Stallone, who was shirtless and wearing boxing attire. The image appeared to have been taken from promotional materials for “Rocky III,” one in a series of movies focused on the boxing career of the fictional Rocky Balboa, which debuted in 1982.

It was not clear what inspired Trump’s tweet. A White House spokesman did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
(From the Washington Post. Kyle Griffin's tweet, above, links to the article.) 

Update: My Congressman weighs in: 

And I can't resist posting this:

... which brings us back to: What was he thinking? W.T.F. was he thinking? What did he think this was going to accomplish? It's very, very strange.

Update #2 on Thanksgiving morning. I was wrong above. The tweet was never deleted and in fact, the official White House account retweeted it. The twitterverse spent the day digging up pictures of Donald proving that he doesn't have a body like Rocky:

Update #3 on Friday morning. The official Twitter account of the Trump campaign wants us to believe that Donald's picture wasn't photoshopped:

Twitter fought back:

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