Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Still Incompetent - Updated

For the record, Florida's Republican governor, Rick Scott, is running to defeat Democratic senator *Bill* Nelson; Ben Nelson was a Democratic senator from Nebraska for two terms, from 2001 to 2013. 

In other "wow, they're all incompetent" news, former press secretary edition, consider this, from Jonathan Karl's review of Sean Spicer's new book, posted at the Wall Street Journal: 

Mr. Spicer has not been well served by the book’s fact checkers and copy editors. He refers to the author of the infamous Trump dossier as “Michael Steele,” who is in truth the former chairman of the Republican National Committee, not the British ex-spy Christopher Steele. He recounts a reporter asking Mr. Obama a question at a White House press conference in 1999, a decade before Mr. Obama was elected. There are also some omissions: He writes about working for Rep. Mark Foley (R., Fla.), who he says “knew how to manage the news cycle. And on top of all that, he was good to staff and fun to be around.” He never gets around to mentioning that Mr. Foley later resigned in disgrace for sending sexually explicit messages to teenage boys working as congressional pages. 

Tuesday afternoon update: Some new information about fact-checking. Clara Jeffery is the editor-in-chief of Mother Jones.   

Apparently Spicer wasn't willing to pay for a fact-checker, but still. Does he really not know the difference between Michael Steele and Christopher Steele? Does he really not know that Barack Obama wasn't president in 1999? (For the record, it was Bill Clinton. Really.) As I've said before, regarding almost everyone who is, or was, part of the Trump administration, the incompetence, and carelessness, is breathtaking and mind-boggling.

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