Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Triple Ick

Wednesday evening update: Did things just get a lot more embarrassing for the Duggars? Is it possible that Josh Duggar was on the cheat-on-your-spouse website Ashley Madison? Gawker says yes:

Someone using a credit card belonging to a Joshua J. Duggar, with a billing address that matches the home in Fayetteville, Arkansas owned by his grandmother Mary—a home that was consistently shown on their now-cancelled TV show, and in which Anna Duggar gave birth to her first child—paid a total of $986.76 for two different monthly Ashley Madison subscriptions from February of 2013 until May of 2015.

Read it here

Original post:
Issue dated August 31, 2015
Josh Duggar Molestation Scandal: 19 Kids and Counting Stars Stunned by Backlash

I would have thought, and fervently hoped, that after the scandal we would be blessedly finished with Duggar covers, but no. There they are again, and this is the 4th cover this year to feature this family:

June 8: The Duggars' Dark Secrets (Jim Bob and Michelle)
April 27: Duggar Exclusive: My Dramatic Delivery (Jill and her newborn baby)
March 2: Duggar Exclusive: Jessa and Ben, Our Life As Newlyweds

As I've said before, for reasons that completely escape me, covers featuring this family must sell really well. Ick.

New bride Jennifer Aniston gets a sidebar and I have a media literacy reminder about her big cover story last week. Although the cover headline promises "All the details" and claims to have exclusive pictures, I've now read the actual dead-tree story and there are no pictures of Aniston from the wedding and it's clear the magazine didn't actually interview Aniston or Theroux. All the information was attributed to "a source," "one attendee," and "an Aniston friend," And although her dress is described as "strapless, elegant and flowy, simple but beautiful, and cream colored," the dress in the cover photo isn't her wedding dress, it's the dress she wore to the Oscars. People clearly wants readers to think it's the wedding dress (and that they have exclusive pictures of it,) because there are *four* additional pictures of Aniston in that same dress scattered throughout the story.

One more thing: as I surfed around the site this morning I noticed that two stories currently have typos: "many" instead of "man" in the Kathie Lee story, and "min" instead of "mind" in the Yvonne Craig story. Come on, People. Hire some editors!

I'll check back later today to see if the typos get corrected.

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