Thursday, May 7, 2015

Rick's Not Running

Rick Snyder, governor of Michigan, that is. He was initially on my list as a "possible," because pretty much all the midwestern governors were. He wasn't doing much in the invisible primary, however, so I deleted him, then last week former Minn. Senator Norm Coleman said Snyder was running, followed by Snyder saying he was keeping his options open and I put him back on the possible list. Isn't this fun? 

Today Snyder made it official, he's not running. In a story in the Detroit Free Press, he says that he has no plans to run for president and will instead continue to do the work of governing Michigan. I've moved him to the "Officially Not Running" list.

Declared GOP Candidates
Ted Cruz (March 23) 
Rand Paul (April 7)
Marco Rubio (April 14)
Dr. Ben Carson (May 3) 
Carly Fiorina (May 4) 
Mike Huckabee (May 5) 

Possible Republican Candidates
Jeb Bush
Chris Christie
Bobby Jindall
John Kasich
Mike Pence
Rick Perry
Rick Santorum
Scott Walker

Late Adds on December 22
Lindsey Graham
George Pataki

Officially Not Running
Rob Portman (Dec 2)
Paul Ryan (Jan 12)
Mitt Romney (Jan 30)
Rick Snyder (May 7)

Days Until Election Day: 550

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