Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Mike Pence Won't Run

Wednesday afternoon update:  Jonathan Bernstein says there are now nine viable candidates, in three tiers:

Tier 1: Bush, Rubio and Walker
Tier 2: Huckabee and Kasich
Tier 3: Jindall, Perry, Santorum and Christie.

He discounts all the rest:

My list of viables doesn’t include Senators Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Lindsey Graham. Nor am I counting Ben Carson or Carly Fiorina, who haven’t held elective office, or the three Bateson class candidates, (very) former Governors George Pataki, Bob Ehrlich and Jim Gilmore. 

Wait, what? Bob Ehrlich? Jim Gilmore? Who are they and where did they come from? Ehrlich is a former governor of Maryland and Gilmore is a former governor of Virginia. They are both the longest of long shots and I've never seen them on any list of "potentials" before. (Read Bernstein's full post here.)

Original Post:
A spokeswoman for Indiana Governor Mike Pence has confirmed that he will run for reelection next year, which effectively takes him off the list of possible presidential candidates. Among the "viable" candidates that leaves Bush, Christie, Jindall, Kasich and Walker who have yet to "announce to announce." I've updated my list.

Declared GOP Candidates
Ted Cruz (March 23) 
Rand Paul (April 7)
Marco Rubio (April 14)
Dr. Ben Carson (May 3) 
Carly Fiorina (May 4) 
Mike Huckabee (May 5) 

Possible Republican Candidates
Jeb Bush
Chris Christie
Bobby Jindall
John Kasich
Rick Perry (announcement June 4)
Rick Santorum (announcement May 27) 
Scott Walker

Late Adds on December 22
Lindsey Graham (announcement June 1) 
George Pataki (announcement May 28)

Officially Not Running
Rob Portman (Dec 2)
Paul Ryan (Jan 12)
Mitt Romney (Jan 30)
Rick Snyder (May 7)
John Bolton (May 14) 
Mike Pence (May 20) 

Days until Election Day: 537

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