Monday, May 4, 2015

Carly and Ben

Tuesday afternoon update: Mike Huckabee is officially a candidate. I'm moving him to the Declared list.

Original Post:
Dr. Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina are now declared candidates, although both are long-shots for the nomination. Neither has ever held elective office before; Fiorina ran for a California senate seat in 2010 but lost to incumbent Senator Barbara Boxer. I had some fun on Twitter, imagining an all-girl race with Fiorina and Clinton:

Mike Huckabee is expected to announce tomorrow; how long before Jeb, Scott and some or all of the rest of the boys make it official?

Declared GOP Candidates
Ted Cruz (March 23) 
Rand Paul (April 7)
Marco Rubio (April 14)
Dr. Ben Carson (May 3) 
Carly Fiorina (May 4) 
Mike Huckabee (May 5) 

Possible Republican Candidates
Jeb Bush
Chris Christie
Bobby Jindall
John Kasich
Mike Pence
Rick Perry
Rick Santorum
Rick Snyder (back to the list) 
Scott Walker

Late Adds on December 22
Lindsey Graham
George Pataki

Officially Not Running
Rob Portman (Dec 2)
Paul Ryan (Jan 12)
Mitt Romney (Jan 30)

Days until Election Day: 553

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