Sunday, November 2, 2014

Things Happen

A few posts ago I wondered what John McCain thinks about the infamous "#palinbrawl," and now we know. Or at least we know what's he's saying publicly. On Friday Senator McCain told local station KTVK in Phoenix that, "things happen in people's families, I'm not excusing it, I'm not condemning it." Regarding the possibility that Palin would run for office again, he says, fairly faintly that "I think it's great." He goes on to say, "I had hoped she wouldn't have stepped down when she did," which isn't the same thing as saying she's a credible candidate for anything in the future. The reporter goes on to note that many pundits are pointing out that Palin has teased a political comeback before and nothing ever comes of it. TalkingPointsMemo has the video.

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