Friday, November 14, 2014

A Cheeky Little Minx At The Top Of Her Game, A Beautiful Anime Character Come To Life

The title of this post refers to the woman with the butt seen 'round the world. The first part is from Piers Morgan, writing at, with an interesting perspective on Mrs. West. Hint: he likes her. The second part is from the article at Paper magazine, almost certainly to be read by almost no one. This time it really is about the pictures.

Morgan is entitled to like her if he wants to, of course. He says he's met her several times and he perceives her to be "a warm, unpretentious, honest and rather charming young lady." (Minor quibble from me: young lady? She's 34.)

I could deconstruct the article, sentence by sentence, 'graph by 'graph, but I've reached my limit of Kardashian-think, at least for the moment. Other than one last thought, I'm going silent on the Ks for a while, with my usual caveat that if something even more outrageous happens in K-world I may once again be compelled to break out in blogging.

As for that last (multi-part) thought, here goes:

Statement from Kim, quoted by Piers: "I think I promote a healthy, natural body image." (Reminder from me: This is from long before she proved that she can balance a champagne glass on her butt.)

Then this, from Piers: She admitted to using Botox, Spanx and the odd piece of masking tape... I have studied her face up close and see nothing to contradict this; Kim's a natural beauty. (Snarky question from me: Really, Piers? Really? A natural beauty? Is it possible that while evaluating her face you were distracted by other body parts? Just asking.)

Finally, this, from the article in Paper magazine, just before they get to the part about her "two hours of hair and make-up every day": Her black hair is thicker than any you have ever seen, her lips fuller, her giant Bambi-eyes larger, their whites whiter, and the lashes that frame them longer. If some of this is the result of artificial enhancement -- does anyone else have eyelashes that resemble miniature feather dusters? -- none of it seems obviously ersatz. But that's not to say it looks real, either. She is like a beautiful anime character come to life.

Healthy, natural body image, or anime character come to life? You decide. You can read Piers' article here and the Paper article here.

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