Thursday, October 30, 2014

"Zellwegered Into Unrecognizability"

I've been debating whether or not I had anything else to say about Renee Zellweger's new and improved face. I was leaning towards not when I saw this delicious tidbit in a long WaPo story about Sally Quinn's post-funeral reception in honor of Ben Bradlee:

Alas, no toasts Wednesday afternoon, but plenty of fond memories, air kisses and a touch of the party gossip he reveled in. One journalist at the reception, who received an effusive hug from a unknown woman, whispered to her friend: “Who did I just kiss hello?”
“You won’t believe it,” was the reply, followed by the name of a Washington notable who had Zellwegered herself into unrecognizability.
“Ben would have loved it,” said the journalist with a giggle.
Zellwegered into unrecognizability?? Clearly Renee's campaign to convince folks that she's just, you know, well rested, isn't working so well. She's a verb now and it only took about a week and a half.

The whole article is interesting, read it here.

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