Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Silly Season

Two headlines, both currently appearing on the homepage  of the Washington Post:

Can't Quit Mitt: Friends say Romney feels nudge to consider a 2016 presidential run. The story says that due to the weakness of the current Republican field of candidates, Mitt is "grappling" with the question of what he would do if he was drafted to run. Would he answer his party's call?

Ann Romney: Mitt and I are done. Done. Done. The story quotes Mrs. Romney telling the Los Angeles Times, "Completely. Done... Not only Mitt and I are done, but the kids are done. Done. Done. Done." In the actual LA Times story (read it here) she mentions the "really interesting" group of GOP possibilities and name checks Jeb Bush, Rob Portman and Paul Ryan, saying "We're going to see a nice field shake out."

To be fair, feeling a nudge doesn't mean Mitt is actually considering running. He ruled it out pretty definitively last week as quoted by Bloomberg Politics. This is mostly just political reporters amusing themselves while waiting for the 2016 campaign to kick-off for real, which will happen after the mid-terms in three weeks.

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