Monday, June 8, 2009

Be Careful What You Wish For

I frequently use the expression "I'd rather have root canal" when talking about something that I don't particularly want to do. Today those words came back to haunt me because after an unpleasant week-end courtesy of a very sore tooth, I ended up in the dentist's chair this morning actually having one.

Initially, it wasn't that bad. After a large shot of novocain, I not only didn't feel anything during the procedure but I also couldn't feel the sore tooth anymore, which was definitely a relief. The dentist gave me a prescription for pain pills, which I had filled on the way home, but as the afternoon wore on I was feeling pretty good and didn't think I'd need them. I had even begun to wonder what the big deal about root canal was. Then, at 4:10 p.m. (yes, I remember the moment exactly,) the novocain wore off. Yowza.

For those of you who saw my breezy little tweet about how I sailed through the root canal, never mind. I deleted it. I am indeed taking my medicine and I plan to spend the rest of the evening moaning and groaning and generally feeling sorry for myself. I know I'll feel better in the morning and I'm grateful I was able to get my tooth fixed. I'll also probably think twice the next time I start to say that I'd rather have root canal.

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