Sunday, December 2, 2018

When Trump Is Gone - Updated

At some time in the future, Donald will no longer be president. He'll be impeached and removed, he'll resign in disgrace, he'll be defeated in 2020 or (God help us all) he'll leave office in 2025 after two terms. Or, not to be morbid or anything, but perhaps one of these days we'll wake up to discover that Donald's overstressed seventy-something heart just stopped beating. However it happens and whenever it comes, there will be a day when Donald isn't president anymore. In anticipation of that day, I'm beginning to see rumblings about accountability for those who supported a degenerate criminal pig for, and as, president.

Monday morning update:
Update #2 on Wednesday morning. The title of this post refers to a time when Donald is no longer president, but as I watched coverage of the run-up to former President Bush's funeral this morning, I couldn't help thinking of that day in the future when we're going through these rituals on Donald's behalf. In the spirit of saying nice things about people when they die, what will commentators say about 45 on the day of his funeral?

"His reality TV show got pretty good ratings, at least at the beginning."

"He brought an ice rink in New York in on-time and under budget."

"He somehow convinced three attractive women to marry him."

And maybe, "He made it through George H.W. Bush's funeral without embarrassing himself," although as I'm writing the funeral hasn't actually started so hold that thought. Who knows what Donald might do.

Update #3 on Thursday afternoon: An interesting actuarial tidbit. One of the commentators during the Bush funeral yesterday pointed out that Donald Trump, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton are all the same age. They were born within ten weeks of each other in the summer of 1946, Donald on June 14, W. on July 6 and Bill on August 19.

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