Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Is Melania Having Fun? - Updated

Melania's taking some heat for this tweet tonight, with Matthew Dowd as a good example:

It's hard to tell, because the picture is small, but I was thinking that both POTUS and FLOTUS appear to have strange expressions on their faces, almost as if it's not that much fun to hang out with the King and Queen of Spain. (Or maybe they're not that happy with each other.) When I saw the tweet and picture below I thought (again) that it's probably not that much fun to be Melania at all right now:

Wednesday morning update: Melania's not the only one who's tone deaf. Ponder this, from Trump Jr.'s soon-to-be ex-wife and featuring five of the president's grandchildren:

Update #2, at 9.27 a.m. Wednesday morning: Vanessa has deleted the tweet. (That's why the text remains but it no longer appears in the usual tweet format.) If you're wondering what's the big deal here, it's tied to the fact that Ann Coulter said the facilities housing children separated from their parents are "essentially summer camps."

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