Thursday, June 21, 2018

I Really Don't Care, Do U? - Updated

photo credit AFP/Getty Images

In my tweet yesterday about the typo in the president's Executive Order (read it here,) I implied that POTUS's staff let him down. Today it looks as if FLOTUS's staff let her down. I had mixed feelings about Melania's visit to Texas. I believe, mostly, that she sincerely cares about the immigrant children and wants to help. I also believe that the immaculate and adorable center she visited, and the children she saw there, are not even close to being truly representative of the kids who were actually taken from their parents, which made the whole thing feel like a photo op/damage control for the president.

Now it turns out that Melania started the trip wearing a jacket with a message on the back and that's all anyone's talking about (in my Twitter feed, at least):

Is Melania sending some kind of coded message? Or was it a random, meaningless wardrobe selection? If the latter, her staff really did let her down by not advising her that wearing that jacket with that message would, at the very least, distract from what she was trying to accomplish. Is there no one on the First Lady's staff savvy enough to know that? Particularly on a trip the whole purpose of which was to demonstrate that Mrs. Trump (and by extension, her husband) does care about the displaced children? I've blogged frequently about the pathetic incompetence of the president and/or his staff. It looks like there's some incompetence in the East Wing too.

Thursday afternoon update: Another tweet from Kate Bennett. She's a CNN reported who covers the First Lady full time, and she has said more than once that there are no Melania Trump coincidences, that her actions are done with intent. Here's Kate's latest tweet:

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