Sunday, March 25, 2018

Stormy's Big Night

Just a few more hours until the big Stormy Daniels interview uncorks on 60 Minutes, and frankly, I'm beginning to think it's going to be a bit of an anticlimax, or at least a bit of a letdown for those expecting something salacious or presidency-ending for Donald Trump. Daniels' lawyer appears to agree, trying to manage expectations with this tweet from this morning:

Remember, the interview is airing on network television at 7.00 p.m Eastern/6.00 p.m. Central time, right at the dinner hour and before the kids have gone to bed. For that reason alone, it's almost certain to be "G rated." Further, the bones of the story are already out there -- the affair, the sex, the money to keep quiet, etc., and it doesn't appear to have harmed Trump much so far, at least in any serious and lasting way. For people who don't like or admire the president the entire "affair with a porn star" story is just more evidence that he's a degenerate pig. For his admirers, even if, deep down, they don't really believe his denials, it's still just Trump being Trump. I can't imagine anything will be shown tonight that changes anyone's mind about anything. 

Random thoughts:

What's on that CD? Who knows. (He likes to be tied up? He likes to wear women's lingerie? He takes Viagra? His hands aren't the only part of his body that is... small? Yawn to all.) Whatever it is, we almost certainly won't see it tonight.

How does Melania feel about all this? Who knows. On Thursday she posed for and posted a tweet that appeared to want to convince the world that everything's fine...

... but the very next day, Friday, she once again refused to fly with the president on Marine One. (I wrote about the first time here.) She refused to go to Davos with him earlier this year, and traveled separately to the State of the Union too, all of which would appear to indicate that Melania is not happy to learn about her husband's various affairs. And yet, her carefully constructed public persona is that she's strong, smart and independent, not just a "hot piece of ass" decorating Donald Trump's arm. If she's really surprised to learn that Donald Trump hasn't been faithful to her, she's not nearly as smart and savvy as she wants us to believe. 

Will Melania be watching tonight? Maybe, but not with The Donald. He's on his way back to Washington from Palm Beach, Melania and Barron are staying in Florida for Spring Break. 

Will this be my last post about Stormy Daniels? Almost certainly not. To tide you over until the next post, here's what I've written previously: 

January 18: Stormy Indeed
March 17: Stormy Weather
March 20: How Does This End?

One more thing: Will Trump do something dramatic and/or drastic this afternoon to distract from the Stormy interview? Possibly. Stay tuned. 

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