Thursday, January 18, 2018

Stormy, Indeed

In Touch Weekly Stormy Daniels Cover

There's no mention of Stormy on the cover of the new issue of People but In Touch goes for it, with details from an interview Ms. Daniels apparently gave back in 2011. (Read the online article here.)

And I love this tweet from Ana Navarro:

"Michelle would have killed him." No kidding. Strong, smart, no nonsense, no prisoners, a fully equal partner in the marriage, expecting/insisting on integrity, loyalty and respect. That's Michelle all right. Can we say the same about Melania? It doesn't look that way from the outside but who knows what really goes on between Donald and Melania. I read recently that they dated for 6-7 years before they got married, so Melania knew what she was getting. That tells me that if she was of a mind to (figuratively) kill The Donald for infidelity it would have happened long before now. (And I assume if he had been a middle-class accountant from Queens, she would never have married him.)

What's it like to be Melania Trump these days? In a previous post I said that being married to Donald would be wretched soul-destroying indentured servitude and I still think so. Living at the White House, meeting foreign leaders and flying around on Air Force One doesn't change anything.

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