Tuesday, April 4, 2017

The Guessing Game

Who will be on the cover of People magazine this week? My guesses:

Prince Charles: I had Princess Diana on the list a couple of weeks ago, and we'll probably see her on the cover before the end of the year, but now I'm thinking Prince Charles might be the subject of a cover story this week. A new book, by Sally Bedell Smith, comes out today, and it's getting a lot of press, in particular the author's suggestion that Camilla will indeed get the title of Queen. April 9th is Charles and Camilla's 12th wedding anniversary.
Paris Jackson: Her 19th birthday
Alec Baldwin: Playing Trump on SNL, just turned 59, gave an interview to George Stephanopoulos
Pippa Middleton (and possibly big sis Kate): Pippa's Bachelorette party (or "hen night" as they say in England.) Pippa's big day is May 20.
Missing Women: Sherri Papini, the woman found by the side of the road in California, and Elizabeth Thomas, the teenager from Tennessee who had been kidnapped by a teacher.
Elizabeth Smart: Due to give birth to her second child
Mama June Shannon: Her transformation is apparently complete
Harrison Ford: No charges for landing his airplane on a taxiway
Trumps: Other than a cover story about The Donald immediately after the election, People has completely ignored the entire Trump family, which surprises me.

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