Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Don't Blow It, Melania

"Until you've lived through a White House Easter Egg Hunt, you don't know what hell is."
--Merrie Spaeth, an aide to Nancy Reagan in the White House. (And prior to that, the star of one of my fave movies, The World Of Henry Orient.)

Image result for Obama with easter bunny

Image result for white house easter egg roll

Image result for white house easter egg roll

Is the Trump White House going to blow their first Easter Egg Roll? Possibly. The New York Times has an only slightly tongue-in-cheek article about how preparations for the big event are behind schedule, in an article titled "The Latest Test for the White House? Pulling Off Its Easter Egg Roll":

Could this White House, plagued by slow hiring and lacking an on-site first lady, manage to pull off the largest, most elaborate and most heavily scrutinized public event of the year?

“It’s the single most high-profile event that takes place at the White House each year, and the White House and the first lady are judged on how well they put it on,” said Melinda Bates, who organized eight years of Easter Egg Rolls as director of the White House Visitors Office under President Bill Clinton. “I’m really concerned for the Trump people, because they have failed to fill some really vital posts, and this thing is all hands on deck.”  (Read the article here.)  

This administration isn't known for its professionalism and competence. Pictures of crying kids and our decidedly non-kid-friendly POTUS will only add to the perception of rampant doofusness. The event is Monday.

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