Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Blogging The Bach: Badness In The Badlands

Tuesday afternoon update: Here's Ashley on Jimmy Kimmel.

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Lots of crazy last night on The Bach. Thoughts: 

The show started with the rose ceremony from the previous week and McKenzie and Samantha were sent home. In a previous post I had said that McKenzie was too young for Chris, that there was almost a father/daughter vibe to their date, and it turns out I was right. From Chris' blog at People.com:

I never really knew how old any of the girls were. Let's face it: It's not polite to ask a woman's age. But the week before in L.A., Mackenzie had shown me part of her diary from when she was younger, and the problem was, the dates she was in middle school were the same dates I was in college. I still didn't feel polite asking her age and decided I would give myself a little more time to get to know her because of how much I liked her early on. Unfortunately, our connection did not grow, and that combined with our age difference was enough for me to say good-bye.

(Side note to Chris: from one blogger to another, watch the clichés. Using "let's face it" twice in one post is never a good idea.)  

There was a one-on-one date with Becca and a group date with six women, but the big drama last night, as expected, came from the two-on-one date with Chris, Ashley and Kelsey. It would be very easy to snark on about both Ashley (the eyelashes!) and Kelsey (the pretension!) and heaven knows Twitter lit up with glee, but I'm having some serious thoughts this morning. 

Ashley first. I'll start by saying I wish we could live in a world where women are not judged by their appearance. We are so not there yet and Ashley's being ridiculed up and down the internet for her looks, and in particular for her eyelashes. She sets herself up for some of it, because saying "I'm real" while wearing those eyelash extensions is truly an invitation to mock. There's also the Kardashian Konnection (sorry, couldn't resist.) Ashley is very open about the fact that Kim K is her role model and in some circles that's a pretty good way to get yourself laughed at. 

It turns out, however, that Ashley is not a bimbo. In what may have been the best moment of the show she turned to Kelsey and said "You think I'm not as smart as you because I don't use big words? ... You and I both have our masters... and if you think I'm not intelligent enough to see through you you're friggin' hilarious." As I was watching I found myself thinking, Wait, what? Did Ashley just say she has a masters degree? Yes she does and there's a lesson here for all of us about assuming we know everything about someone based on the way they dress or how much make-up they use. Check this out: 

Now to Kelsey, who was clearly set up and edited as the villain of this season. To be fair, she provided a lot of ammunition, frequently coming across as pretentious and manipulative. Some of that was editing, of course, but she gave the producers a lot to work with. As I wrote in my previous post, however, I also felt some sympathy for her as I watched the show last night. She knows what took place during filming but I'm pretty sure she didn't know until she saw the actual show last night exactly how happy the other women were when they realized she'd been sent home. That had to hurt. 

I'm also going to return to my theme of "This was set up by the producers." At this point in the show, Chris almost certainly knew that he wasn't feeling it with Ashley or with Kelsey. He could have sent one home on the date, which is what usually happens with a 2-on-1, and sent the other one home at the rose ceremony but my guess is producers decided it would be more dramatic to send both home from the date, and it certainly worked. In other words, this date was orchestrated from the beginning knowing that both women would be sent home, leading up to the dramatic moment when Chris is whisked away in the helicopter and both women are left abandoned in the middle of nowhere. Most dramatic two-on-one date ever? Possibly. (Ashley was on Jimmy Kimmel later last night and he asked how she got off the mountain. Her answer: in a van, happily not with Kelsey.)  

Finally, the call of nature. No, not the burros and the Badlands. I was texting with a friend during the show and we were both wondering the same thing: What happens when someone needs to use the facilities? Are there any facilities? In addition to the weird bed they plopped down in the Badlands, we assumed ABC brought along some porta-potties but it was hard to tell. 

So. On to next week. What's with Britt? What's making her cry? (Is she the next Bachelorette? For the record, I'm still Team Britt.) Will Becca the other virgin follow Chris into the Fantasy Suite? And Jade confesses her racy past. The pictures really are out there - just google "Jade Elizabeth." 

Meet me back here next week, Rosebuds, for more fun and games with The Bachelor, but note: it's not the same Bach time. The mayhem starts on Sunday. 

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