Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Mittens Is Back!

Is Mitt Romney thinking about running for president again? Really? Would Mitt, Ann, the boys, and yes, Rafalca, really saddle up for the third time and take to the campaign trail? Apparently some Republican operatives and money men are intrigued with the possibility of Mitt 2016, or at least not thrilled with the current GOP contenders, but cooler heads are speaking out too. If you type "Romney 2016" into Google News you'll get a pretty good sample of what's currently being written, pro and con; for my money Buzzfeed has the bottom line on why it probably won't (and shouldn't) happen.

“Here’s the problem with the theory of the Romney candidacy, as much as I love the guy and as much as I think he’d be a good president,” [a] former [Romney] aide began. “The problem with the way these [Romney donors and friends] are treating a potential Romney candidacy is that they act as though Romney, if he were to get into the race, picks up where he gets off. As though, because he was the last Republican nominee, he’s still the Republican nominee unless he decides to bequeath it to someone else.”
“The field is not going to be nearly as weak as it was last time and nobody in the field, including the potential establishment candidates — Jeb or Chris Christie or Scott Walker — believe they should step aside for Mitt Romney,” the former aide predicted. “So Romney gets into the race and he’s suddenly competing with heavy-duty candidates who have as much claim on the mainstream donor base as he does, and suddenly he’s in a messy primary where these people will be going at him in a very nasty way.”

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