Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Tom, Really, Get Yourself An Editor

I like reading Tom Sykes' "The Royalist" blog at The Daily Beast. He's British, he's pretty well plugged into all the various royal gossip-mongers and he can sometimes be pretty snarky. His post from yesterday, however, titled "Prince George Faces The Global Media," is so riddled with errors I just want to scream. Consider paragraph 2 and the first sentence of paragraph 3:
But Kate Middleton and Prince William's noble efforts to keep their young son George protected from the global media came to a dramatic end today as Kate descended the steps of Quantas Airways jet with her eight-month old son into a the glare of the world's media at Wellington, New Zealand, on the first day of a three-week tour of Australasia.
Kate looked stunning and sprightly as ever despite the 28 hr flight from the UK, and was dressed in a Max Mara dress in red, the national color of New Zealand. 
I'm surprised to see Sykes making the "Kate Middleton" mistake, and see my thoughts on that here, but he gets a couple of other things wrong too. First, as anyone who's seen pictures of the family's arrival in Wellington can tell you, they weren't flying on Qantas, it was a Royal New Zealand Air Force jet. And Tom, there's no "u" in Qantas. (It's an acronym for Queensland And Northern Territory Aerial Services. Since I'm in the mood to be really nit-picky, I'll point out that it's not Qantas Airways either. Just Qantas.) Finally, Kate's red coat. I'm so not a fashion expert but most media is saying it's from Catherine Walker, a fave of Princess Diana, and not from Max Mara.

Update: I found this picture of the arrival at Wellington, which shows the line-up of dignitaries just before Kate, William and George walked down the stairs.
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