Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Great Kate Wait

It's Sunday morning and still no sign of the royal baby. William's playing polo, Kate's hanging out with her parents and the bored reporters and photographers camped out at the entrance to the hospital are desperate for something to do. England's also apparently having a bit of what passes for a heat wave over there, with temperatures in the high 80s. With air conditioning much less common than we're used to here in the colonies, Kate's probably pretty uncomfortable and wishing the baby would just be born already. The Daily Beast's Royalist page has started a royal baby live blog, which I'll be checking periodically until something happens. For what it's worth, Kate's mum, Carole, has reportedly said the baby will be a Leo (meaning astrological sign, not given name), so we could have a week or more to wait.    

I find that I'm much more interested in the impending birth than I am in this morning's big news story, which is the verdict in the Zimmerman trial. Does that make me a bad person? CNN is still in "all Zimmerman, all the time" mode, even calling new Mon-Friday morning anchor Chris Cuomo in on Sunday to lead the coverage, which strikes me as overkill. I'm simply going to link to two of the articles that I found most helpful:
Ta-Nehisi Coates, at The Atlantic, and Adam Cohen, at

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